Trevi Fountain

Trevi Fountain
Trevi Fountain in Rome, Italy October 2012

Monday, May 29, 2017

Dragon Lake, BC-Part 3 (May15-21, 2017)

We spent most of our time fishing Dragon, located just a few minutes from our hotel.

This is a typical Dragon rainbow that Dolan caught. The fly is a chironomid pattern, if you were wondering.

By the end of the week, it was in the 80's. Dolan here, modeling the latest in fly fishing attire. The sun can be brutal.

The bug hatches were phenomenal. That scum you see in the background of the first picture is from bugs hatching on the water. The second picture is a closeup.

Dolan's best fish of the trip. Paul had some as big, if not bigger. I had one almost as big, and lost another one that went 100 feet into my backing. Makes you wonder how big it was. Great trip with great friends. I will need to try again next year.

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